You Know How To Get Unlimited Traffic From Facebook For Free Here is Best 4 Facebook Algorithm Hacks to Bring Your Reach Back from the Dead
Facebook has grown at an amazing rate.
They now have almost two billion active users each month, and that figure is still rising.
It’s the most widely utilized and well-liked social media network available.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are 50 million small business pages and more than 2.5 million marketers on them.
However, those high numbers have potentially harmful effects on Facebook’s organic traffic.
Facebook has less motivation to refrain from pushing advertising on the rest of us as the platform’s advertising numbers and revenue rise.
You’ve undoubtedly begun to see this drop if you still rely on Facebook fans to drive organic traffic to your content.
Facebook is a company, after all, and its only objective is to make money.
Therefore, it stands to reason that Facebook will prioritize organic reach over advertising as both the user base and advertising demand grow.
They have also been upfront about this. In fact, they have informed marketers that paid advertisements will take the place of organic reach, which is expected to decline.
If you’re a low-budget marketer who has already amassed a sizable organic Facebook following, this might be an issue.
It implies that it will be harder than ever to reach those current fans. those followers you invested many hours (and possibly even money) in winning over.
It’s not as easy or effective to connect with them as it was a few years ago.
Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to go around the system and restore your organic reach.
Here are four Facebook algorithm tricks to help you counteract the reason why your reach is decreasing.
Why your organic reach is dying
AdAge threw a bombshell on Facebook marketers in December 2013 with the following headline:

AdAge received a sales deck from Facebook that year that included an official statement from the social media platform.
Here’s what it said:
“We expect organic distribution of an individual page’s posts to gradually decline over time as we continually work to make sure people have a meaningful experience on the site.”
Facebook was essentially informing us that over the following three years, our organic traffic would gradually decrease.
They were informing us that businesses would no longer be able to contact people for free through page posts but would instead need to start paying for advertisements.
You can guarantee that the Facebook advertising community did not think much of this.
In essence, Facebook was saying that all of the marketers who had invested years of effort and vast sums of money in increasing their likes were in vain.
Facebook fulfilled its promise. The organic reach has been declining over time.

In reality, using organic content to grow your fan following is nearly impossible these days.
Not even the Chicago Tribune, one of the largest Facebook pages, was spared.

Additionally, their page has over 500,000 likes and followers.
The Chicago Tribune’s editor discovered startling findings after compiling information on the business’s organic reach on Facebook.
The statistics revealed a drop from 2016 to 2017 that was considerably more severe than what had been seen since the announcement in 2013:

This graph is troubling, to put it mildly.
The Chicago Tribune’s organic reach decreased steadily but sharply throughout the course of 2016.
However, if you look at the beginning of 2017, there is a noticeable decline.
They examined 15 months’ worth of organic posting data to check whether any outliers might have tampered with the data in order to do additional research.
They discovered some quite frightening information right away:

There was a huge rise in posts that naturally reached less than 10,000 people at the beginning of 2017.
This indicates that the majority of their content was not visible to all 500,000 page fans.
Four years ago, Facebook’s organic reach began to decline, and it continues to decline sharply today.
Consequently, Facebook wants you to run ads on their network. However, I have several tricks up my sleeve for increasing your organic reach.
1. Make use of the Targeted Intended Audience.
In order to improve content delivery for marketers, Facebook implemented audience optimization and preferred audience targeting in 2015 for organic posts.
With only one organic post, users can now limit their audiences and target more specialized, specialist sectors of their current audiences:

Facebook also promises improved analytics and reach to individuals who are more inclined to interact with this new capability.
It sounds really amazing, doesn’t it?
Luckily, the tool is free.
This feature offers an additional, cost-free method of naturally targeting your Facebook posts to particular audiences, much like you would with ads:

You may build more precisely targeted posts for audience segments, just like you would with Facebook Ads, just like you would with stored audiences.
For instance, you can target the organic post according to the material you are releasing if you manage a Facebook page that appeals to All Genders, Such as one that deals with clothes.
You can ensure that only men read an organic post you produce regarding men’s apparel.
You must immediately enable this function in your settings if the number of likes on your company’s Facebook page is less than 5,000.
Navigate to your page and select the settings tab to accomplish this:

Here, choose the category “General” options, then click “News Feed Audience and Visibility for Posts” to activate the setting:

In order to activate this audience-targeting feature, check the box and save your modifications:

You can then return to your page and make a new post after doing this.
Immediately, take note of the audience-targeting choices available:

To begin optimizing your desired audience parameters, click that target button:

Choose hobbies that correspond with the post in question.
For instance, if you are posting SEO-related content marketing pieces, you should choose related interests such as these:

Additionally, you may modify the “Audience Restrictions” option to restrict who can view your material according to demographic information:

Now, you can use the power of advertising-level targeting to successfully increase your organic reach.
There is also a shortcut for this if you don’t want to tweak the audience targeting for each post.
Open your Page Manager, then select the options tab:

Next, select the “Preferred Page Audience” tab by scrolling down:

You can edit your general preferred audience from this point on.
If your audience is steady overall, you don’t need to choose them each time you post.
You can modify the language, age ranges, interests, and locations from this page:

To add more interests or alter any of the information, just click the “Edit” button at the bottom.

It’s precisely like using Facebook Ads to create a stored custom audience, but it enables you to get around the system and restrict your organic reach.
This will target the visitors who are most engaged, which will help you regain some of your organic reach.
The organic reach is rapidly declining. Use this feature, located under the settings tab, to effortlessly reach particular audience segments.
2. Share Additional videos on your page.
What do you see when you go through your news feed on Facebook after logging in?
I’m assuming that a significant amount of the content on your page consists of videos.
Why? You must use Facebook videos, as they generate the maximum engagement and since organic reach is dwindling.
Video content on Facebook averages 400% higher engagement rates than text-only material.

It even goes above and beyond standard photo and link-based content.
If you want greater organic reach and engagement on Facebook, this is without a doubt the ideal content category to concentrate on.
Facebook’s Q3 earnings report for 2016 states that just three million companies are posting organic video content on the social media platform.
However, the same data attests to the fact that over 60 million businesses are presently active on Facebook.
This indicates that a vast majority of businesses haven’t yet used this tactic.
It also implies that now is the ideal moment for your company to rejoin the video bandwagon and increase your organic reach.
Furthermore, Facebook video usage is just rising. The number of Facebook live video watchers increased by 3% in the first few months of 2016.
Facebook achieved this by paying social media influencers to broadcast live videos, which they hired:

To be exact, Facebook paid celebrities and major publishers a total of $50 million to support it.
It was successful. Facebook product manager Vibhi Kant claims that viewers spend three times as much time on live videos on the platform as they do on non-live content.
It’s safe to say that using video content maximizes organic engagement.
This implies that you can revive your organic reach by utilizing both static and live video.
Visit InVideo and use their tool to start making beautiful static videos right now. Anyone can easily and quickly create entertaining and compelling videos on a budget with InVideo.

Better still, you don’t have to have any prior video production or editing expertise. Without needing to rehearse, you can use InVideo right now to make a polished video. It really is that simple.
Go to your company’s or business page on Facebook, select “Live Video,” and start a broadcast.

It really is that simple!
Save your organic reach by using some of these tools to produce amazing content on Facebook.
3. Share only your Best work/Content.
When it comes to using Facebook to increase organic traffic, quality now matters more than quantity.
In actuality, higher outcomes come from concentrating on and publishing quality pieces less frequently.
Allow me to clarify my meaning. Over a million links are shared on Facebook every 20 minutes, according to Buffer.
Furthermore, nearly 800,000 status updates and 4.86 million images have been uploaded.
We seem to be submerged in a tsunami of information.
Buffer became aware of this and desired to alter it. They initiated a 50% reduction in the frequency of their Facebook posts.

They were posting four or more times a day on average, but they started to reduce that to one or two posts a day.
Even though they only posted half as much content as normal, their engagement and reach rates were still greater.
They discovered that their reach decreased with the number of posts they made.
They were publishing four times as much information per day at the beginning of 2016. Now have a look at the graph trend from 2017, when they stopped using that number:

Their weekly Facebook reach increased from 44,000 to over 150,000 users, a more than threefold increase.
all while cutting back on their posting frequency by half.
They also experienced big improvements in engagement with their posts:

Their Facebook material had more than 1,000 daily interactions on average, up from less than 500.
They demonstrated that it is possible to manipulate Facebook’s algorithm by employing a “less is more” approach.
They discovered that better outcomes can be obtained with fewer posts.
This leads me to my second point, which is:
Posting only your best content should be your main priority.
Posting your latest blog entry to your Facebook profile is not necessary.
People are merely tired of seeing it. Rather, curate your best content from other social media platforms and submit the best content to Facebook.
To accomplish this, just go to the statistics section of your Twitter account and check which posts were most successful:

Select the posts that had the best amounts of engagement and impressions overall.
This will assist you in eliminating the Low-performing content from your Facebook feed that you don’t need to share.
If you share these high-quality posts on Facebook simply once or twice a day, you may quickly expand your organic reach.
4. Ask people to “like” your page.
If I told you that you could easily get hundreds of page likes and more users that are actively engaged in five minutes, how would you respond?
Would you consider me Mad?
You can do that, though, with Facebook’s “Invited to Like” button.
You can truly entice someone who has interacted with your material on Facebook to return to your page, even if they haven’t become a fan yet.
This tactic is effective for one straightforward reason:
The users you are extending an invitation to re-like your page have demonstrated an interest in your naturally occurring material.
They are more inclined to interact with it further.
This was put into practice by WordStream’s Larry Kim for his organic Facebook posts:

He discovered that by doing this, he could acquire and land new page likes and fans at a conversion rate of 15-20%.
Every day, he was able to restore hundreds of lives. But take note: according to Larry, there’s a daily cap of 500–1,000 invites.
Make sure not to send out too many unsolicited invites over this threshold, or Facebook may flag you.
Even the folks he invited began to thank him directly for the page invite in direct messages:

It essentially functioned as a personalization strategy that increased page likes while making users feel unique.
Fortunately for us, putting it into practice is quite simple. Navigate to your Facebook page and select the comments left on one of your most recent posts:

This will display a list of everyone who interacted, liked, and commented on that post.
By selecting “Invite,” you can now begin asking individuals to like your page.

By doing this, you might quickly receive a huge number of likes.
The best part of this program is that you won’t have to worry about annoying the user again because it prevents you from inviting them again.
It will notify you whether they have already liked or been requested to like your page.

One of the best ways to locate more individuals who are already active on Facebook and with your material is to send invitations to those who have liked it in the past.
Use this strategy to expand your audience and increase their level of engagement to increase your reach.
In Summary
The most commonly used and well-liked social networking platform ever is Facebook.
To increase organic traffic, millions of businesses build business-style pages and advertise on the network.
No other social network can compare to the audiences, features, and tools available on this platform.
Businesses and marketers will greatly benefit from this, but not if they depend on organic reach.
Since Facebook first revealed the information back in 2013, their organic reach has been steadily declining.
This implies that your fan base and Facebook page likes are now almost meaningless.
Facebook prefers that you contact them through advertisements.
But you have already put forth a lot of effort to win those fans. Many people, myself included, have even gone so far as to pay money to get those fans and likes.
So how can one go around the system and yet attract natural search traffic?
First, put preferred audience targeting into practice. It’s among the greatest and simplest methods for increasing organic traffic.
Similar to Facebook ads, it enables you to target organic postings.
Apply video-based material after that. Compared to other content types, it generates the most engagement on Facebook.
Additionally, if you want better levels of engagement, make sure to post your best content.
Last but not least, get a ton of new admirers who are already interacting with your material by using Facebook’s “Invite to Like” feature.
Larry Kim discovered a 15-20% conversion rate after using this program.
It can take some work to revive your organic reach, but by following these methods, you can save money on advertising expenditures.
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